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purple steam project

purple steam project

mentoring process and gamification

main objectives

Enable female students to explore diverse training and job opportunities

The project aims to encourage scientific and technological careers among women while also increasing awareness of stereotypes linked to vocational training programs through gamification systems.

Female Chemical Engineers Female Scientists Working in a Lab

Supporting and acknowledging the abilities of vocational students in STEAM professions through mentoring will enhance the appeal of vocational education and training (VET) and also synchronized career guidance between educational institutions and companies will enable students to explore diverse training and job opportunities, fostering greater flexibility and adaptability within the labor market.


Qualified individuals in the domains of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) who wish to participate as mentors in the project will be chosen

Gamification Tools

The Card Game

The Card Game

A card game that introduces the biography, the achievements and the awards of some of the most important women in the STEAM field.

(Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics)

By utilizing gamification systems, we can promote female role models in the STEAM field.

who we are

A collaboration of four educational organizations that aims to to encourage scientific and technological careers among women while also increasing awareness of stereotypes linked to vocational training programs through gamification systems.

what we aim for

Promoting gender equality

Concerning inclusion and diversity, the project endeavors to encourage women to pursue scientific and technological careers while also raising awareness about the stereotypes linked to vocational training cycles through gamification systems. These efforts aim to dismantle gender biases and foster a more inclusive and diverse educational environment.

Career guidance

The initiative also aims to enhance the flexibility of educational and vocational opportunities by enhancing coordinated career guidance between educational institutions and businesses. This initiative will enable students to explore and access various training and employment paths, thus enhancing their adaptability and flexibility in the job market.

Learn More

Cooperation between educational institutions and business

Organizations and entities within the STEAM field: This category comprises companies and entities within the STEAM domain interested in collaborating with the project to enhance coordinated professional guidance between educational institutions and businesses. Specifically, we aim to engage with those entities committed to equal opportunities and inclusion, as well as those eager to support the training and advancement of women in the STEAM field.

news and announcements

1st Transnational meeting in Palencia

Palencia is the ancient Pallantia, founded by the Titan Pallantas, according to mythology, at the confluence of the Arlanza and Arlazon rivers. In an amazing mystic and atmospheric scene ,due to the thick mist presence all

around the city , that we felt lucky to witness , and the clear skies with glorious Mediterranean sun in the following day , the 1st Transnational meeting for Purple STEAM erasmus project became a reality. La Salle Managua , ASPAYM, Fedespab and ViModo met to set the goals for the purple steam project (co- funded by EU) to become a success aiming to raise interest amongst female students for the STEAM Field.

The meeting took place in La Salle Managua educational center , a VET school that represents the whole energy of young people in Palencia , with four significant sectors for young people to study , using edge technology, incredible gifted teachers, managers and personnel , that mentors the youth to reach their potentials, become global citizens and values good practices, discover the strong element of cooperation and the chance to live their dreams. Thanks to the hospitality of Principal Laura, Nacho Pena Ojosnegros that held all of us under his wings these days , Marcelo Cortés that gave the pulse for the this meeting in addition to his extraordinary skills of friendship and warmth, Edouardo García, ‘’the embasador’’ of Palencia and all teachers and students that made us feel at home , we can surely say that this meeting was a great beginning for a very important eramusA210 project that aims not only to raise awareness in the importance of women in STEAM families but also to brake the gender stereotypes in this field by giving guidance and uncover female students possibilities of professional life.

reach out to us


Facebook: PurpleSTEAMerasmusplus

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The Purple Steam Project

Education and vocational training play a crucial role in driving the economic and social progress of nations. However, entrenched gender and social stereotypes often influence career choices, leading to a dearth of diversity, particularly in fields like STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics).

This initiative aims to tackle this issue through gamification, mentoring, and fostering collaboration between educational institutions and businesses to enhance career guidance. By enhancing diversity within STEAM professions, the project aims to stimulate innovation, advance equal opportunities, and bolster both economic and social advancement within the community.

The ASPAYM Foundation has been working for years in the field of social services, specifically in the field of physical

disability. It serves people throughout their life cycle and does so both at the educational-care level and at the local level.

The Foundation has the collaboration of experts in the educational, social and research field of the group of people with physical and sensory disabilities.

We must also point out the constitution of an exclusively youth section, to respond to the most specific interests and demands within the field of youth.

ViModo Research and Education Hub, is an educational and research organization based in Cyprus, specialized in the fields of research and innovation, striving to develop and implement sustainable solutions for innovation and social impact.

ViModo’s goal is to offer solutions to difficult social problems, achieve sustainability and maximize impact for social change.

La Salle, established by Saint John Baptist de la Salle, is a renowned educational institution with over three centuries of history and a presence in over 80 countries across five continents. In Palencia, its branch is known as La Salle Managua.

Operating for over 30 years, we specialize in vocational training services, focusing on diversity inclusion, dual vocational training programs, international exchanges, the Erasmus+ program, and the Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology.

Officially founded in 1989, FEDESPAB - Association for Education and Development of Paços de Brandão, is a non- profit association dedicated to promoting the social, cultural, scientific and technological development of the population of Paços de Brandão and its areas of influence. , through the sponsorship of teaching, education, culture, research and professional training activities.

Throughout more than 32 years of existence, the association has been able to train all those who have turned to it, providing them with the necessary skills, opening the doors of the labor market and launching them into successful professional careers, worthy of note..
